In der gesamten Lieferkette legen wir großen Wert auf das Wohl der Lebewesen und des Planeten. Wir schaffen laufend Innovationen und investieren in Projekte, die mit dieser Vision in Einklang stehen.
Wir bei United Petfood arbeiten mit gesunden, lokal bezogenen Zutaten, bieten nachhaltige Verpackungsoptionen, verwerten unsere Abfälle und priorisieren erneuerbare Energiequellen. Ein Beispiel hierfür ist unser Produktionsstandort in Coevorden: Dank unserer 1480 Sonnenkollektoren können wir jährlich 1.750 Tonnen CO2-Emissionen einsparen!
Nachhaltigkeit bedeutet für uns mehr als die Verwendung umweltfreundlicher Materialien und alternativer Energiequellen. Unsere Geisteshaltung verpflichtet uns in allen Dingen zu ethischen Praktiken. Wir legen großen Wert auf das Wohl unserer Mitarbeiter und bieten ihnen ein sicheres, positives und anregendes Arbeitsumfeld.
Sustainability Status Update 2024 We are proud to present our sustainability update
We are proud to present our sustainability update, showcasing our dedication to sustainability and our ongoing efforts to contribute positively to pets, people, planet and society while minimizing our negative impacts.
As a leading player in the pet food industry, it is our responsibility to not only ensure the health and well-being of pets but also care for our people and contribute to a healthier planet for all living organisms.
United Petfood is a fast-growing company with a team of very passionate employees. Together we want to make a difference in the life of pets by producing high-quality pet food for millions of cats and dogs around the world. Our rapid growth also brings challenges. In terms of sustainability we have already taken a number of important steps. This report provides insight into our efforts to integrate sustainability into all our business processes, from our supply chain and production to our commitment to the communities in which we operate.
This report reflects our continuous pursuit of improvement. Together, we can make a difference and protect our planet and society for future generations.
On behalf of the entire United Petfood team, I would like to thank our employees, partners and customers for their ongoing support in achieving our sustainability goals.
We are on a journey and with each passing day, we strive to surpass yesterday's efforts.
Giving back Close the gap
Close the Gap is one of the organizations that are close to our hearts, so we really want to make a difference with our support.
Close the Gap is an international organization dedicated to bridging the digital divide, ensuring equal access to information technology and electronic devices for all. Through our support, we aim to create opportunities for individuals by providing essential tools such as computers to schools, medical institutions, and social projects in underserved areas. In collaboration with Close the Gap, we actively contribute to their impactful initiatives, including the innovative 'Digitruck' program that delivers digital skills and education to remote communities.
Currently, Close the Gap operates a fleet of nine Digitrucks, including the ‘United Petfood Digitruck’ in South Africa. This specific Digitruck has found its purpose as a mobile classroom, serving as a valuable resource for an organization dedicated to training local guides.
Giving back Petfood donations
Every year our various branches donate animal food to support local shelters and dog rescue centres.
Pet Sustainability Coalition We are a proud member
We are a proud member of the Pet Sustainability Coalition!